
PastĀ Event


San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties – Speed Coaching

Networking and Speed Coaching event for Emerging and Executive Local Government Leaders. See the event flyer for more information. This event is for MMANC Region 1 members only.




Past Event
Take Charge of Your Talent_3Take Charge of Your Talent

Take Charge of Your Talent gives you and your organization the structure and tools to increase creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction. Did you know 30 to 40% of talent lies untapped even with high performers in excellent organizations? Learn the three proven keys to unlock your hidden talent and how to apply the three keys to help you thrive in your career, organization and life .

The 3 sessions apply leading brainĀ  research and learning insights:

  • Session 1: Power up your Talent Story;
  • Session 2: Accelerate Through Obstacles;
  • Session 3: Multiply the Payoffs for Yourself and Others.