About the Consortium

ConsortiumLogoThe Consortium was established in January 2010 due to the compelling and immediate need to share services among public sector agencies. With all agencies facing difficult economic times and diminishing resources, the Regional Training and Development Consortium for Public Agencies was formed in order to create and sustain an environment for ongoing education, succession planning, and development.

As a result, several cities and the County of San Mateo collaborated on the design, formation, and development of the Consortium. The focus was to provide training and development programs in a manner that would increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and sustain the quality and variety of programs available to public sector employees. The Consortium enables its member agencies to:

  • Save time, resources, and money
  • Improve individual and organizational effectiveness by collaborating, communicating and sharing knowledge and resources amongst member agencies
  • Develop and conduct a variety of high quality training programs and development opportunities for all staff levels at the best price for agencies
  • Continue to offer mandated and non-mandated programs at reduced costs and efforts to employees
  • Gain efficiencies through an economy of scale and eliminate redundancy of similar work performed within agencies
  • Improve budget forecasting for training needs
  • Expand availability of technology and take advantage of more shared online programs
  • Enhance automation of staff development programs and administration activities including a consortium website