New Member Info

Instructor Contact Information for Hosts

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How to Access the Consortium’s Online Training

We appreciate your assistance in passing the online training opportunities to your City Training Coordinators and employees!

View the Consortium’s online training titles and course descriptions.

If you have employees interested in taking any of the Consortium’s online sessions, please have your Training Coordinator contact Rose San Juan at (650) 363-4733 or e-mail Rose at so she can proxy enroll your employees into these online training sessions.

Please know the minimum training system requirements for all online training are listed on the course listing found on the link above.

View the sample employee notification which your employee(s) will receive once enrolled in an online course. Your designated Training Coordinator will be copied on all employee notifications.

Employee feedback regarding the online courses is very important in helping the Consortium to learn more about your employees’ training needs and interests. We would appreciate your assistance in encouraging your employees to complete the online evaluations which are made available following the online session.

Preventing Sexual Harassment


 Target Audience: Supervisors and Managers

Program Description

This online program complies with AB 1825 and AB 2053 which mandates two hours of preventing sexual harassment and anti-bullying training for managers and supervisors every two years.  This course provides information and guidance regarding federal and state laws aimed at preventing and correcting sexual and other forms of harassment, teaches employees to recognize the kind of conduct that may lead to potential harassment, and provides practical workplace scenarios that assist in preventing harassment in the workplace.

Cost: $7.70 per person for Consortium Members

How to Enroll

Each member agency will contact one of the following resources to place orders for their required number of courses and enter into a contract:


Please contact emTRAIN directly to coordinate training.